The average house price on TORQUAY VILLAS is £94,779
The most expensive house in the street is 8 TORQUAY VILLAS with an estimated value of £140,839
The cheapest house in the street is 6 TORQUAY VILLAS with an estimated value of £64,714
The house which was most recently sold was 5 TORQUAY VILLAS, this sold on 31 Jan 2022 for £75,500
The postcode for TORQUAY VILLAS is HU9 2UF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £87,922 £50,000 25 May 2006
2 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £135,530 £27,995 19 Feb 1998
3 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £71,604 £57,500 17 May 2019
5 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £80,045 £75,500 31 Jan 2022
6 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £64,714 £52,000 11 Jan 2019
7 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £82,803 £50,000 27 Sep 2013
8 TORQUAY VILLAS Terraced £140,839 £27,750 27 Aug 1997